Thursday, October 24, 2019

Annual Meet Goodie Bags - The Labours of Shercules

(August 16, 2013)

It has been a while - but we have not been inactive. I bring photographic evidence - it has taken almost all of my free time to collate this stuff!

First - this is what my divan looked like today morning:

Then, of course, the assembly began - this neat little envelope has nine things in it:

Here are the nine things:
  1.  Annual Meet Name Tag - this is adhesive, so you can either stick it on your clothes, or put it in the ID holder and hang it about your neck (yes, we give you ribbons).
  2. ID holder
  3. Sticker with SHSI logo
  4. Sticker with full SHSI logo
  5. Big sticker with SHSI coordinates
  6. Visiting card
  7. Luggage tag - again, adhesive
  8. Bookmark
  9. Envelope seal

All nicely assembled. (It took ages - my back and neck are still complaining!)

Then came the stationery part:

We give you seven items:
  1. SHSI pen
  2. Pencil
  3. Eraser
  4. Sharpener
  5. Key ring
  6. ID clip
  7. ID neck ribbon
All packed! Phew!

Now, for the folder:

The folder has the following:
  1. The brown envelope from above
  2. One oversized postcard with SHSI logo
  3. One oversized postcard with full SHSI logo
  4. One notecard with envelope
  5. One participation certificate
Here are the postcards (I am planning to frame the one with the full logo and keep it at my desk :)):

The certificate:

The notecard (this is probably my favourite):

 Some semblance of order approaches - par Dilli abhi dur hai...

Ah, yes, the conference notepads - I am not particularly happy with these - but there's only so much you can complain about when you order things online at ungodly hours of the morning.

The complete package:

At last.

The question now is, how do I transport this entire pile to Mumbai? Do I courier it or do I take it as checked-in luggage? If anyone else is travelling from Kolkata, some help would be really, really appreciated.

Anyway, see you all in Mumbai next week. Ciao.

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